**2. 称呼:通常写“Dear [Manager's Name]” 。
- 请假原因:清晰说明请假的原因,如生病、家庭原因等。
- 请假时间:明确请假开始和结束的日期。
- 工作安排:提及已安排好的工作交接或其他相关事项,以显示您对工作的负责。
4. 结尾:可以用“Sincerely” 、“Respectfully”等表示尊敬。
5. 署名:写上您的姓名和部门。
**Dear Manager,
I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The reason for my leave is that I have come down with a severe flu and need to rest and recover to ensure I can return to work in a healthy state and perform my duties effectively.
During my absence, I have coordinated with my colleagues [Colleague's Name] to handle the ongoing tasks. I have also provided them with all the necessary information and instructions to ensure a smooth workflow.
I sincerely hope that my request will be granted. I will do my best to catch up on the work upon my return.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
[Your Name]
**1. 语言要简洁明了、礼貌得体。
2. 尽量提前提交请假条,给上级和同事足够的时间安排工作。
3. 如有需要,附上相关证明材料,如医生的诊断证明等。