1. 开头
在信的开头,使用亲切和礼貌的称呼,如“Dear [对方名字]”。
2. 表达歉意
直截了当地表明自己对失约的深深歉意,例如:“I am extremely sorry for missing our appointment.”
3. 解释原因
诚实地解释导致失约的具体原因,但要避免过于冗长和复杂的解释。比如:“I had an unexpected emergency at work that couldn't be postponed.”
4. 强调影响
提及失约对对方可能造成的不便和影响,并表达自己的愧疚之情。如:“I understand that this might have caused you a lot of inconvenience and I feel really bad about it.”
5. 提出补偿或解决方案
主动提出弥补的方法或解决问题的建议,例如重新安排约会时间或者提供其他帮助。比如:“How about we reschedule the appointment to [new date and time]? I will do my best to make it up to you.”
6. 再次道歉
在结尾处再次诚恳地道歉,以显示自己的诚意。例如:“Once again, I sincerely apologize for my failure to keep the appointment. I hope you can forgive me.”
7. 落款