"hang over"这个短语有几个不同的意思,具体取决于上下文:
1. 身体不适:指喝醉后第二天感觉头痛、恶心等不适,也就是我们常说的“宿醉”。
例句:"I have a hangover from last night's party, so I'm not feeling very well today."
2. 悬而未决:指某个问题或情况还没有解决,或者还在继续存在。
例句:"There are still some issues that need to be resolved; they just hang over us."
3. 延续:指某种状态或行为继续存在,没有结束。
例句:"The bad weather is hanging over the city, so the outdoor activities have been canceled."
4. 悬挂:字面意思,指某物悬挂在空中或某个地方。
例句:"The lanterns hang over the street during the festival."
根据不同的语境,"hang over"可以有不同的解释。