1. "I wandered lonely as a cloud"(我孤独地漫步,如同一朵云)
——出自《序曲》(The Prelude)
2. "Nature never did betray the heart that loved her"(自然永远不会背叛那些热爱她之心)
——出自《序曲》(The Prelude)
3. "Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink"(水,水,到处都是,却无一滴可饮)
——出自《序曲》(The Prelude)
4. "Sweet is the lore which nature brings"(自然带来的知识是多么甜美)
5. "The world is too much with us"(这个世界对我们来说太过拥挤)
——出自《序曲》(The Prelude)
6. "She dwelt among the untrodden ways"(她住在无人走过的小径上)
7. "For I have lived to see the world declare"(因为我曾亲眼看到世界宣称)
——出自《序曲》(The Prelude)
8. "The Child is father of the Man"(儿童是成年人的父亲)
——出自《序曲》(The Prelude)