“放下杂念”常见的英语表达有:“Let go of distractions” 、“Put aside distracting thoughts” 、“Drop the miscellaneous thoughts” 。
“Let go of” 有“放下、放开、松手”的意思,“distractions”指“使人分心的事物、杂念”,“Let go of distractions” 侧重于表达主动释放杂念。
例如:You need to let go of distractions and focus on your work.(你需要放下杂念,专注于你的工作。)
“Put aside” 有“把......放在一边、撇开”的意思,“Put aside distracting thoughts” 强调把杂念放置在一旁。
例如:Try to put aside distracting thoughts when you are studying. (当你学习的时候,试着放下杂念。)
“Drop” 有“丢下、放弃”的意思,“miscellaneous thoughts” 指“各种各样的想法、杂念”,“Drop the miscellaneous thoughts” 形象地表达了摒弃杂念。
例如:He managed to drop the miscellaneous thoughts and concentrate. (他设法放下杂念并集中注意力。)